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3M Abrasives and Safety

Originally a small mining company created in 1902, the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company has grown on a worldwide scale and now goes by the name 3M.  3M has developed more than 60,000 products which are commonly found in homes, schools and businesses around New Zealand and the rest of the world. Bay Engineers Supplies has a close partnership with 3M as we sell most of their top safety and abrasive products to the NZ market.  We even have our own 3M Abrasive Specialist who promotes 3M quality stock items around NZ.

SALA 603L2018 MANUFACTURE CODE: 70007926127 Exofit Nex Riggers Harness, Large
SALA 3401025 MANUFACTURE CODE: 70007452256 Emergency Retrieval Sealed-Blok Mounting Bracket
SALA 3400955 MANUFACTURE CODE: 70007460093 Emergency Retrieval Sealed-Blok 15mx5.0mm Gavlanised Cable
SALA 3400880 MANUFACTURE CODE: 70007451720 Emergency Retrieval Sealed-Blok 25mx5.0mm Gavlanised Cable
SALA 3329010 MANUFACTURE CODE: 70007945366 Rescue System, 10m Rollgliss R550 Rescue Device Kit
SALA 3101345 MANUFACTURE CODE: 70007455242 1.8m Nano-Lok Self Retracting Lifeline, Webbing, Twin Leg, Scaffold Hook/Leg Connector
SALA 3101330 MANUFACTURE CODE: 70007455226 1.8m Nano-Lok Self Retracting Lifeline, Webbing, Single Leg, Snap Hook/Leg Connector
SALA 2108406 MANUFACTURE CODE: 70007442091 Beam Anchor, Fixed Beam Anchor
SALA 2103143 MANUFACTURE CODE: 70007440806 Beam Anchor, Beam Trolley
SALA 1500174 MANUFACTURE CODE: 70804436924 25mmX2.7m Quick Wrap Tape II - Yellow
SALA 1500134 MANUFACTURE CODE: 70007439121 30L Safe Bucket Hook and Loop Closure, Canvas
SALA 1500119 MANUFACTURE CODE: 70007439055 Small Parts Pouch with Self-Closure Opening, Canvas, Black
SALA 1500097 MANUFACTURE CODE: 70007438933 Scaffold Wrench Belt Holster with Retractor and Hook2Loop Bungee Tether
SALA 1500094 MANUFACTURE CODE: 70007449302 Hammer Belt Holster and Hook2Quick Ring Coil Tether
SALA 1500089 MANUFACTURE CODE: 70007438891 Adjustable Radio Holster, Clip2Loop Coil Tether and Micro D-Ring
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