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500gm Nickel Anti-Seize Compound
500gm Nickel Anti-Seize Compound


$161.74 excl gst

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500g Nickel Anti-Seize

Compound for stainless steel. Prevention of seizure of threaded components that are subjected to extremely high temperatures or adverse environmental conditions for long periods of time. Nickel Anti-seize Compound has application on most surfaces subject to long term fretting and corrosion.

Areas of Application:

  • Stainless steel fasteners
  • Industrial fasteners

Features & Benefits:

  • Excellent anti-seize properties due to high solids content (>35%)
  • Excellent adhesion properties
  • Protects against wet conditions and chemical attack
  • Contains no sulphur or copper
  • Provides anti-seize properties up to 1400°C
  • Aids assembly and dismantling under heavy loads
  • NZ MAF Approved C14 (fish, game, meat)

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