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Rexnord Bearing Products

Rexnord Cylindrical Roller Bearings

Rexnord Roller BearingsOur broad range of Cylindrical Roller Bearings by Rexnord can be configured multiple ways to suit your needs and to make sure you receive the best return on your investment. Bay Engineers Supplies strives to ensure that you recieve the absolute best value on delivery and performance on all Rexnord products.

Rexnord Cylindrical Roller Bearings are made with superior bearing quality steel and are designed with the purpose of continuously performing in challenging applications. As New Zealand's Rexnord Partner we also offer the skills of our Rexnord Product Manager to ensure any custom solutions are carried out correctly to meet the needs of your individual bearing specifications.

Why a Rexnord Roller Bearing?

Rexnord Roller Bearing Seller

Our Rexnord Cylindrical Roller Bearings can be custom manipulated to work best in high or low volume manufacturing projects. Multiple configurations and retainer options help to maximise overall bearing performance.

New Zealand Industries Served

Bay Engineers Supplies services all industries including...

  • Aggregates
  • Cement
  • Construction
  • Food and Beverage
  • Forestry, Machinery
  • Material Handling
  • Mining
  • Pumping
  • Steel
  • Quarries

...and more.