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Hygiene, Janitorial & Cleaning : Brooms

We carry workshop brooms or brooms for home in various sizes to make sweeping up messes as easy as possible. Register online and save more than 25% off in store pricing. We can even deliver your new broom anywhere in New Zealand.

BROOM 714340 MANUFACTURE CODE: AS145SBH 355mm Orange Fill Hi Viz Yard Broom Complete - Steel Bracket and Handle
BROOM 714630 MANUFACTURE CODE: AN092C 457mm Java Fibre/Synthetic Platform Broom Complete
BROOM 716018 MANUFACTURE CODE: AN123C 450mm Synthetic Fill Platform Broom Complete
BROOM 716024 MANUFACTURE CODE: AN124C NLA - 600mm Synthetic Fill Platform Broom Complete
BROOM 786514 MANUFACTURE CODE: PR800SBH 355mm Platform Broom Complete
BROOM 786518 MANUFACTURE CODE: PR801SBH 457mm Platform Broom Complete
BROOM 786524 MANUFACTURE CODE: PR802SBH 610mm Platform Broom Complete
BROOM 786530 MANUFACTURE CODE: PR803SBH 750mm Platform Broom Complete
BROOM 786536 MANUFACTURE CODE: PR804SBH 900mm Platform Broom Complete